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Dear Cancer, I'm Beautiful

Oct 26, 2023

I’m so excited to have my good friend Rachel Beller back on the show! Rachel is the author of several books including her latest one called, “Spice Rack.” She explains the benefits of the Beller Nutrition approach, offers up expert advice about maintaining a healthy weight during and post-treatment, and the...

Oct 18, 2023

I’m so happy to welcome back my dear friend AND my very own breast oncologist, Dr. Eleonora Teplinksy. Tune in to learn about Dr. Teplinksy's expertise, as well as explore strategies for effectively navigating genetic testing and breast cancer screening for our daughters. This subject holds great personal...

Oct 11, 2023

This was one episode I never expected to record. My beautiful mother Barbara is one of the sweetest, caring people you’ll ever meet. She saved my life by encouraging me to get a BRCA test and continues to be a true advocate for our entire family and for everyone she meets. A few months ago, and 17 years after...

Oct 4, 2023

Introducing a brand new Dear Cancer, I'm Beautiful podcast series called, "Your Voice. Your Health!”

The first episode of this series titled, "What is Step Therapy and How Does it Affect Cancer Patients?” will provide you with comprehensive information about step therapy and its implications on your treatment...